
domingo, enero 18, 2009

Che Part one. Lighthouse.

El proximo sabado 24 a las 5:35 se proyectara la pelicula "Che, Part One" en Lighthouse.

La propuesta es asistir a la proyeccion y despues tomar algo en el bar de Lighthouse.

Che - Part One

15 Certified

The first film in Steven Soderbergh’s two-part Che Guevara epic tracks the charismatic revolutionary as he joins Fidel Castro’s band of Cuban exiles and journeys to the shore of Mexico in 1956. Within two years, this small team of rebels had mobilized popular support, recruited an army and toppled the US-friendly regime of Dictator Fulgencio Batista. It was the beginning of a crucial period of Cuban history and the birthplace of an extraordinary individual, who would go on to inspire generations to come. Winner of the Best Actor Award at Cannes 2008 for Benicio Del Toro.

Dir. Steven Soderbergh, Fra/Spa/USA, 2hrs6. Spanish with English subtitles.
BBFC Advice: Contains strong language and infrequent bloody war violence

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